Ventilation and Ground Ladder Training
By Captain Dan Donnachie
April 25, 2010

On Wednesday April 7, 2010 the Thorndale Fire Company kicked off another training series titled "Truck Company Operations". The line officers developed a four week series that would cover the basic components of truck company operations. While the Thorndale Fire Company operates in the role of an Engine Company on the fire ground, it is not uncommon for Firefighters to have to complete roof operations or ventilation of a building, so training in basic truck company operations is necessary.

The first session held on April 7th was a class taught by Captain Dan Donnachie and Lieutenant John Groff. Captain Donnachie began the evening by discussing ventilation and more specifically; the importance for ventilation, horizontal ventilation, vertical ventilation, roof types, use of natural openings, roof operations, and positive pressure ventilation. Lieutenant Groff then took over and presented an introduction to ground ladders. He discussed the different types of ladders, the parts of ladders, and gave a brief description of how to carry, position, and raise ladders. The ground ladder presentation was in preparation for the second session of the series, which concentrated on ground ladders.

The second session held on April 14th was taught by Lieutenant Groff and Lieutenant Ranck at Building 11 of the Coatesville Veterans Affairs Hospital. The Thorndale Fire Company was joined by Ladder 49 of the East Brandywine Fire Company for use of their ground ladders. The crews split into two groups and covered all the basics of ground ladder operations including; carries, positioning the ladder for entry or rescue, raising, setting the ladder angle, moving or shifting a ladder, working off a ladder by utilizing a leg lock, assisting a conscious victim down a ladder, and removing an unconscious patient with a ladder. The crews completed several evolutions on each topic until each Firefighter was comfortable with the operation.

While crews from Thorndale were working with ground ladders, the "C" Shift crew from Engine 76 worked on their own ground ladder training at Building 11.

There is still two more sessions of the "Truck Company Operations" series to be completed in the coming weeks. The remaining topics are use of aerial apparatus and roof ventilation exercises, stay tuned for more on these sessions.

Special thanks to the Chief Gulliver and Assistant Chief Gouge from the VA Fire Department for coordinating use of the building for training.

Thank you to the East Brandywine Fire Company for allowing us to borrow the ground ladders from Ladder 49 for the evening and to Assistant Chief Zynn and Firefighter Williams for bringing the ladder down to the VA Hospital.

Units: Engine 38, Rescue 38, Squad 38
Mutual Aid: Ladder 49 (East Brandywine)